About Eishel Reb Shayaleh
Nestled in the heart of Tzfat,  the Eishel Reb Shayaleh Food Kitchen stands as a testament to the enduring legacy of Reb Shayaleh Kerestirer. Inspired by his boundless compassion and commitment to helping those in need, our food kitchen has become a beacon of hope for countless individuals and families in the community.
Our mission is simple yet profound: to ensure that no one in Tzfat goes hungry. Every day, our dedicated team works tirelessly to prepare and serve nutritious meals to those who need them most. But our impact goes beyond just food. We aim to create a space where individuals can come together, share stories, and find solace in the warmth of community.
Reb Shayaleh was a beacon of love and charity in his community. Known for discreetly aiding those in need, his home was a haven for the hungry. His dedication to ensuring no one went without food was unparalleled. Today, our kitchen continues his mission, embodying his values of compassion and dignity.
The spirit of Reb Shayaleh Kerestirer lives on in every meal we serve, every smile we share, and every hand we extend in help. We invite you to join us in our mission, to be a part of this incredible journey of love, compassion, and community.