Eisehl Reb Shayaleh Policies
Refund Policy
At Eisehl Reb Shayaleh, we are deeply grateful for the generosity of our donors. Your contributions enable us to continue our mission of alleviating hunger and providing warm meals to the less fortunate in our community.

No Refunds on Donations:
Please note that as a charity organization, all donations made to Eisehl Reb Shayaleh are considered final. We immediately utilize these funds to support our ongoing operations and to provide meals to those in need. As such, we are unable to offer refunds on donations.

Transparency and Accountability:
We are committed to transparency and accountability. If you have any questions about how your donation is being used or if you would like more information about our programs, please do not hesitate to contact us at eishelrebshayaleh@gmail.com or call us at 917-300-9448.

Making Informed Decisions:
We encourage all our donors to make informed decisions when contributing to our cause. If you are unsure about donating or have any concerns, please reach out to us before making a donation.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support.